Learn about Koolen De-Vries Syndrome with Jayden & her Family...


We’ve learned a lot and still have so much more to learn with all the fun that Koolen De-Vries syndrome comes with. Every doctor and therapist Jayden goes to have never heard of it so I end up teaching them what I know… they should be paying me 😉 jk!

Anyways… I am designing a website for the purpose of sharing information and tracking Jayden’s progress. Eventually I want to set up a donations section for families with mentally challenged kids.

I am asking you guys to comment anything you think would be beneficial to you and others that I could put on the website. All ideas are welcome and appreciated

🤗 The website will be unfiltered so don’t worry about sending me something that may upset others because I dont care. 🤷‍♀️

Thank you! 🤗

Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction

– Mom and Dad

Under Construction


Under Construction


Can we count on you?